
How To Prepare Belongings For Long Term Storage

For valuable antiques, keepsakes, and other important and valuable items that you don't have a day-to-day use for, renting out a unit at a storage facility for longer term storage allows you to free up a significant amount of space without having to make any hard decisions about your belongings. However, before you move all of your items into a storage unit, you should make sure to take a few steps to ensure that all of your items are adequately packed, organized, and prepared to sit in storage to prevent them from becoming damaged or lost while in storage.

3 Moving Tips For Making The Transition From Home To Assisted Living

Moving is frequently a stressful process, but it can be more stressful when you are making the transition from your current home to an assisted living facility. To help the process go smoothly there are several considerations you need to address during the planning stages. Plan For Downsizing Generally, there are more restrictions on what you can have in an assisted living facility and in some cases, certain items you currently own may not fit in your new residence.

3 Ways To Make Your Next Move Eco-Friendly

There are a lot of things to think about when you're moving house. Packing, shipping, transportation, selling your old home and buying or renting a new one – all of those things are likely to consume a lot of your time and energy. However, it's important to take a little time to consider how you can make your move a little more environmentally friendly. Moving takes up a lot of resources, and anything that you can do to reduce your impact on the environment is helpful.

5 Storage Accessories You Can Use In A New Home After Moving

Moving complications sometimes result in a period of time where your items have to stay at a moving storage unit until they can be brought into a new home. You'll probably have to buy extra items and accessories to prepare your things for their time in the storage unit. Instead of just getting rid of the accessories when you're done with the rental unit, you can find a number of ways to reuse them in the home.

Preserving the Taste & Aroma: 3 Tips for Moving Your Wine Collection

With so much money being spent on wine collections across the country, it's no wonder most homeowners are wary of moving it. Due to the delicate and fragile nature of the wine bottles and the wine itself, a lot of care must be put into preparing the wine for transportation to cause as little stress as possible to the bottles. There's no need to worry as much about your quality wines.